Thursday, March 28, 2013

awkward and awesome thursday


- spring snows...

- a little old man in a scooter chair at Walmart asking me to get him down a pack of pudding from a shelf. Okay yeah, I can do that. I reach up and get the pack, but also proceed to knock cups of pudding all over the floor. He felt sorry for me and kept apologizing.

- walking past the kitchen counter and unknowingly picking up the handle of a 2 cup measuring glass with my pocket and spilling it all over the floor. #imsosmart

- trying to make homemade cough drops. My mom said it smelled like I was making cigars.

- skipping out to the van and missing the door and banging my head on the doorframe. It was loud.  ouch 

- explaining..... to the doctor that I was skipping out to the van and banged my head. *sheepish* 

- when the dr. tells me to repeatedly touch my nose as fast as I can. okay...

- the man at competition who joined our chatting group of girls to tell us that we make his heart flutter. I believe it was the first time that none of us had anything to say. um....thanks?

- all my failed projects lately... *sigh*


- a grandpa that brings us donuts in the morning!

- peanut butter banana smoothies. I am in love.

- having more time to think up projects that will admittedly probably result in failure...

- the key change in this song


  1. sounds like you had a rough but awesome day!!!

  2. haha, I had to laugh at your awkward Thursday! :)Thanks for your comment on my blog by the way, it was very encouraging! :)
